Study IELTS With Yatri Education

We provide IELTS classes for students applying to Australia, UK and USA

IELTS Training

ILETS is a platform that enables teachers to create and share interactive learning experiences that can be used by students to learn and improve.IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is a standardized and most widely recognized English language assessment test for international education and global migration. It is an entry requirement for universities in Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and Ireland. The test evaluates the proficiency of the English Language over 4 base areas: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each skill is individually scored and a final overall score is calculated between 0 to 9, with 0 being the lowest and 9 representing an expert speaker.

We have been providing excellent preparation courses for the IELTS exam ever since the establishment of our institution. Our well-qualified and experienced instructors regularly facilitate students who wish to prepare for the IELTS exam in pragmatic and methodological ways.

The Test evaluates the English language proficiency on 4 basic parameters: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

  1. Listening:

    The duration of this section during the test is 30 minutes. It includes four recorded monologues and conversations. The listening test will access your ability to comprehend the ideas, facts, attitudes, and opinions of the speaker.

  2. Reading:

    The reading section of the IELTS test is 60 minutes long. It includes three long reading passages with the corresponding tasks. The passages range from descriptive and factual to discursive, and analytical including non-verbal material like diagrams, graphs, and illustrations texts.

  3. Writing:

    This portion of the test is divided into two parts and takes 60 minutes to complete. Task 1 will present a table, chart, graph, or diagram that you’ll have to describe in at least 150 words. For task 2, you’ll have to write a short essay of 200 words giving an opinion on some situation presented in the question.

  4. Speaking:

    The speaking test of an IELTS exam is conducted in an interview format. A face-to-face interview will include the introduction part, talking about a specific topic, and a detailed discussion. The interview usually lasts for about 10 minutes. This section focuses on your fluency and conversational skills.


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