We build bridges between Universities and Students

Yatri's Vision is to provide every individual who trusts us with the most relevant services and help make their study abroad dream a reality.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognized as a reliable industry leaders in the field of abroad study by showcasing strong proficiencies & exceptional team work that delivers excellent performance & generates great result.

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Our Mission

To provide cross continental quality education in a simplified manner having brainstormed all the available options. We seek for university collaborations and institutional tie-ups to ease up the educational journey for the Nepalese students.

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Our Core Values

There's no way you can improve yourself without pushing yourself to the new heights of ambition regularly.


Who are Yatri Int'l Education ?

Yatri International Education and Visa services is one of the pioneers for abroad education in Sindhuli, Nepal.Our services are aimed at students looking for study opportunities in two of the most amazing destinations in the world : Australia, USA, UK and Japan.
We assist the students throughout the application procedure, which includes end-to-end counseling, university communication, test preparation, language classes, financial documentation planning, and visa procession. Our university collaborations and institutional tie-ups will further ease up the educational journey for Nepalese students.

Our team of highly skilled counselors, well-trained teaching staff, and dedicated student support staff work meticulously to assist you at each step of your international education journey.

Get your Abroad Study drem fulfilled by Yatri Int'l Education

We pride ourselves as the best study abroad consultancy in Sindhuli and help students find the right study program and career paths.

Meet Our
Amazing Team

Avash R. Basnet

Contact : +614-31137210

Ranjan Basnet

Contact : +614-51423990

How it works ?

The timeline for making your study abroad dreams a reality with Yatri International Education:

  • Initial counseling session to help you make the informed choice on abroad study
  • Matching with our relevant test preparation classes(IELTS/PTE), or Japanese language course
  • Choosing the right institution from a pool of leading global colleges and universities
  • Assisting you with finding the best courses from a wide range of options
  • Managing application procedure and obtaining offer letter
  • Match you up with the best scholarships based on your credentials
  • Working on the visa application and processing through relevant authorities
  • Pre-departure informative session

Are you looking to study abroad ?

Don't know where to start ? Contact Yatri now!

Get In Touch




+977 47590485


Madhutar, Kamalamai-5, Sindhuli